Brownouts are not necessarily burnouts

Lord Howe Island snorkeling - Double headed wr...

Brown out in real power perspective is a  temporary power failure and unlike a blackout it lasts only a few minutes.

Applied to real life a brownout is that time you feel you’ve completely lost or rather failed in a way or the other.These is a time when most people turn away from God and even curse his name  not knowing that its just but a temporary moment.

In these time  one oughts  to wait on the Lord  and God will renew a dream in your life that will turn the brown out into a light out.

Its important that in these time  we  cling on God with our  hope abounding  so as to emerge victorious at the end other than calling it a burnout.These will prevent us from  regreting in the end

“when the kids had diapers that was an age,

Ever institution,every individual,every job has its  age,passeges and eras,We have to be careful to hold on.When the brownout is only a brownout and not a burnout,the power will be back soon.Rest,and wait upon the Lord a new dawning will come.”

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